Monday, January 31, 2011
Bad/Worse pt.2
Sunday, January 30, 2011
This family is so nice, so friendly, I almost feel like my cynical self doesn't even belong in the same city as them. I was going to take my son also, but he decided to stay home with his visiting dad and play with the ever-malfuntioning snow blower. So my daughter and I went, and she had a lovely time. She got to be with her teammates/friends in a non-pool environment, and I didn't have to cook. Of course, I was the only single one there. Three couples, and me. I felt like a total loser. No one made me feel this way, I just did. I'm not a big drinker, but all 6 of them partook in wine or vodka. They were chatty, loud, telling stories of their families, their kids' deliveries, their lives here, and all I could do is just sit there and nod. Now, I'd like to think I am a decent storyteller, but I just had nothing to say in this environment. I wanted to die. We had pizza, and dessert, and I just kept looking at the clock, wondering when I could leave and not seem rude or have my daughter feel jipped. A little before 9:00, I got her and told her it was time to go. She was ready, and we began to say our thanks and goodbyes. The hostess/mom got the rest of the cake that I brought, my daughter and I thanked them, and as I turned to go, I got one last glimpse of the scene: 6 good looking, in-love, happy, gregarious people laughing in the kitchen, a warm fire in the fireplace, 9 kids running around, and me, exiting into the cold night about to drive to my house where my estranged husband is probably sitting watching TV with our son. I "quiet cried" all the way home.
The "Worse" will be covered tomorrow...
Friday, January 28, 2011
Crazy Week
Tuesday: Delayed Opening, swim practice
Wednesday: Early Dismissal, Massive Snow
Thursday: Snow day (#4), massive shoveling, swim practice
Friday: Delayed opening, more shoveling, practice later
Saturday: 5:00am hockey, 8:30 Ukie school, 9:00 Swim meet, 1:30 Plast, 5:30 dinner for swimmers
Sunday: 7:00am hockey
Jesus. I am exhausted. And sore.
But somehow managing to do 90% of this on my own.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Re-Invention Dejection
1. Oprah- yeah, like she needs another $20 from lil' old me, but most of the mag is
a decent read.
2. Woman's Day- simple articles, decent tips, recipes, nothing amazing, but good to
read during dinner
3. Family Circle- ditto, can read in one shot. Am cancelling when runs out
4. Men's Health- Ex got this when we went on a trip once. I LOVED it and subscribed
for myself. All these years later, it's getting repetitive, so that will be
cancelled too.
5. Parenting- got a free bag with subscription, don't like at all, has treacly
articles and tips, definitely cancelling
6. More- this was my transition from Cosmo. Geared toward a much higher economic
bracket than mine, cannot afford $465 shoes for an interview outfit
So, the one thing I'm finding in common with all, except MH, is this idea of re-inventing yourself. Just about every month, there is an article espousing the earth shattering transformations of simple women like you and me. And it's usually never a stay at home mom to a surgeon, or a librarian to a teacher. It's a high powered commodities trader who was fed up with burning the candle at both ends so she quit her $675,000 a year job and moved to Costa Rica and opened a jewelry/coffee shop where she helps local women craft bags from discarded cigarette butts. And she's never been happier!! BLEH... Or an editor from NYC who was making $850,000 a year dealing with celebrity biographies who happened to be surfing the internet and had this epiphany that she's never seen a dating service for women editors who earn $850,000 and she creates a website for $7 a month linking these women with hot construction workers, and she's never been happier!! Double bleh...What about the women who've tried and failed? What about the women stuck with several ideas and can't get any off the ground? What about the ones with solid resumes who can't seem to get a foot in the door? I know, those don't make for compelling reading, but my point is it makes it seem like every woman who tries, succeeds. Makes me ill. I think I need to read some new magazines...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
My Stockpile
Sounds silly, perhaps, but it's true! Ever since I was little, I've enjoyed saving money and being prepared. Thank goodness I have those traits, or else with this stretch of unemployment, I'd have been TOAST!! As soon as Mr. Dad left, I made a list of things to stockpile, just in case:
10 Foods: pasta, rice, canned soup, coffee, oil, crackers, tea, flour, sugar, cereal
Hey- it's stuff to survive. I'd love to put ice cream, chocolate, french fries, etc. on here, but that's not the point.
Then I thought, it's not only food that needs to be stockpiled- so here came my toiletry/other list:
toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, tampons, dish soap, laundry detergent, bath soap, lightbulbs, stamps
Every time I shop, I buy something on this list, rotating every week. Maybe that isn't the way to stockpile, but it works for me. I'd like to think that I have enough of a back up to last a good while.
What do you think? What is on your "stockpile list?" Let me know!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Belated Birthday
1. health
2. happiness
3. well-behaved children
4. the coming true of all her dreams, and
5. wild love from her husband (!?)
And then we all sing Mnohaya Lita, everyone is embarrassed and is looking at the floor, we eat, and then leave to go back to our classrooms. I hate it. So, I was so excited that my birthday (Jan 3.) came and went without the requisite bouquet. Whew!! Dodged a bullet! Until this past week all the women were like "Pani Lesia, come ON, go to the office, it's recess, come ON, what are you still doing here??" and I was like oh, shit, here we go. Awkward moment alert!!! So I walk in, and there she was, with the giant bouquet, closing the door and saying- "Pani Lesiu- I am so sorry, I can't believe I forgot, I knew something was up when you said you'd never want flowers, blah blah." Now, it's not that I'm getting flowers. That's all fine, but, it's the wishes she has for me. You can't wish someone crazy/wild love from her husband when you know that her husband left her!! Awkward!! She handles it nicely, I guess, but it's SOOOO obvious that I'm the only one she doesn't wish that for. Some of the teachers know the situation, others don't, so they're all, "Huh? What was that?" especially this time, because she wished me something like "maybe you'll find that elusive love" and I made this loud wrong-answer-buzzer noise so those women who don't know were more confused. Not to mention the priest!
Whatever...My son's teacher says- "Why don't you go to the Malanka (dance) tonite?" I was like- "OH, LORD, I am NEVER going to a dance for as LONG AS I LIVE, especially not to find a MAN." GAHHHH!!!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Random Thoughts
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Nighttime Crazies
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Scrape Away!!

Jesus Flippin' Christ, am I EXHAUSTED!!!!!!!!!!! This storm is one for the books. Remember how I said one branch fell yesterday? Well, all night long, my kids and I would hear a pop, like a fire cracker, and then this "showering down" noise. Some more branches fell across the driveway, others fell in the woods behind the house. The driveway is actually a sea of green from all the pine needles. My kids had a delayed opening, so I got up and went out to shovel. It sucked. Oh, and I had to drag the garbage can up the sheet-of-ice driveway and try to avoid the power lines that are on it. That was fun. I realized I'd need to get one of those scraper things to make this job possible. (God, I'm so sore I can barely type!) So I got the kids to the bus, and started shovelling again. The sidewalk in front of the house is was a nightmare. All I could do was throw salt on it and wait. I ran out to run some errands and buy that giant scraper. Came back, and went back to work. And it was raining! That made it even more pleasurable. The scraper is great, though. Oh- I was serious Super Girl when I moved the gigantic branches off the driveway and on to the lawn. One branch was caught on a still hanging wire, so I finagled it and actually got it off!! SMHNOTFBO!!! The best, though, was when my son was talking to his dad yesterday and mentioning all the falling branches. I asked my son what did Dad say, and he said, "Dad said you should have cut that tree down five years ago!" Can you imagine?? It's my fault!! I should have cut the tree down? What the *&!@ ??? I gotta go lie down. I'm really pooped.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Ice Storm
Thanks for sticking with me!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Dinner Time
Anyway, there are about 6 dinners that I make here. They are: pasta, hamburgers, fried chicken, pork chops, "p'zones"-pizza dough stuffed with pepperoni and mozzarella-, and chicken soup. We order pizza on Fridays, occasionally Chinese, and sometimes on Sunday I'll make a roast or goulash. And that's it. It is so boring I could die!! I am SICK of eating the same stuff week after week. My kids are very reluctant to try anything new. I'd never make something weird, but they won't do the regular things that kids eat: lasagna, stir fry, tacos, mac and cheese. I'd love to have more interesting things like enchiladas, tuna subs, omelets or egg sandwiches, more interesting soups, chicken with different spices, new side dishes (all I do is sauteed broccoli that only one child eats, canned corn and half sour pickles. UGH.) The other day I roasted a whole chicken. Plain, roasted chicken. No olives, no turmeric, no peanut butter, no tapenade, just plain chicken. And they both REFUSED to eat it!! I was so ticked off! They ended up having rice, corn and pickles. They lived, but it just sets such a bad tone for the family meal. I used to house-sit for a family where one of the daughters only ate buttered pasta EVERY SINGLE DAY. And she was like 15!! So I guess mine aren't that bad, but it's still such a drag every day, trying to rotate these things and make it interesting. Any ideas out there??
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Deja Vu
So for it being the second day in a row at home, things worked out pretty well. And what's funnier, they have Monday off for MLK Jr. and Tuesday off for teacher workshops. 4 of 5 days at home!! Gah- I've go to think of something to do.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Awesome Neighbor

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
A Friend
We are due for ANOTHER major snowstorm tonight into tomorrow. There is no place to put all of this snow! I will "batten down the hatches" after I finish posting.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Boot Camp
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Duh Me!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Snow Storm?
I see some new followers!! Thank you so much for reading here- it really means a lot to me.
2:17 pm- it's just starting to snow, a teeny tiny bit. We shall see...
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Alone Again
So I may go out for a Philly Cheesesteak, or to Taco Bell for a Nachos Supreme and a Beef Burrito, or I may make a pepperoni calzone here at home. I'll see what I'm in the mood for later. Now that's fun!!
*Hey- don't write me about the calendars and the dates and all that stuff. If that's what you celebrate, that's fine. It's just my take and my opinion on that. No offense intended.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Shoveling Snow
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
'A Caroling
Monday, January 3, 2011
Birthday Musings
Hello, hello, welcome back, Happy New Year, etcetera, etcetera!!! I took a week off. Hey, it's hard blogging for a month- I needed to recharge, and now I'm back! So, the holidays went relatively well. The big 12 apostle-symbolic food fest was great, the little kiddies were all over indulged, and I got yelled at again for my dubious parenting skills. Whatever. It's all over, and now I am a year older! Yes- Happy Birthday to me. 1968- what a year! This birth date is a strange one- I shared it with my paternal grandfather, and it was usually melancholy in that it was the day we went back to school after a delicious break. While my family remembered my day, often my friends didn't because no one wanted to be back in school and we were all testy and grumpy. But the best "forgot my birthday" story comes in the form of my "husband." We were married just over one year. We had our son who was about 4 months old, and it was January 3rd. He said nothing to me in the morning, nothing when he came home from work, nothing that evening. My mom and brother called during the day, and my dad called that night to wish me a happy birthday. After I got off the phone with him, "husband" says (in total seriousness): "What did your dad want?" And I looked at him, and said, "You don't know what day it is." And he's staring at me, and I say, "It's my birthday." No histrionics, no tears, very calm. And he doesn't say, "Holy Sh*t! I totally forgot!!" or "Oh my God, I'm such a douche!" or "Crap- I'm sorry, let me make it up to you!!!" He says, I swear to God, "Oops. Happy Birthday?" (question mark intentional....) Nice, eh? Needless to say, I lowered my bar so friggin' low, it was underground. Whatever.
So now let me share the highlight of my day. Last year, I bought the BigTop Cupcake to make one for my daughter's birthday for school. You've seen that infomercial for the "25x bigger than a cupcake cake!!" I follow the directions, and get a cupcake cake that could feed maybe 3 people. Totally misleading advertising, but, whatever!! I ended up making a big heart cake for her class and it was great. So today I decided to make one just for me and my kids. After my mom came over and took me to lunch, I made it. At the start of this post is how it could potentially look.
This is what I ended up with: